

Thomas G. Obermair
Digital Artist


This study features the three main colours of the RGB color space and fractal patterns out of the Mandelbrot Set at an ultra-high resolution.

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This study features the three main colours of the RGB color space and fractal patterns out of the Mandelbrot Set at an ultra-high resolution.

Buddhabrot - Monochromatic

The Buddhabrot is the probability distribution over the trajectories of points that escape the Mandelbrot fractal.

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Buddhabrot - Monochromatic

The Buddhabrot is the probability distribution over the trajectories of points that escape the Mandelbrot fractal. Its name reflects its pareidolic resemblance to classical depictions of Gautama Buddha, seated in a meditation pose with a forehead mark (tikka), a traditional topknot (ushnisha) and ringlet hair.

Mirrored Pattern A

Mirroring a pattern horizontally can lead to surprising results.

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Mirrored Pattern A

When you mirror a complex pattern horizontally very often the result resembles something - or someone - by sharing just the natural horizontal symmetry. In this case the result looks like someone or a being looking at you.

Mandelbrot Set in High Resolution

The standard Mandelbrot set with a resolution of 625 Megapixels.

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On Fire

With the available software it was obvious and somewhat mandatory to me to show the full Mandelbrot set with the maximum resolution and filesize that my artwork printing company is accepting - at least once to have it done. Therefore, it had to be the chosen 25000 x 25000 pixels - resulting in 625 Megapixels.

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This site presents my digital artwork exploring the famous Mandelbrot set, photography and other topics. Specially crafted own software reveals the inner self-sufficient beauty of chaos leaving any unnecessary distractions behind.